Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reid Capitulating to GOP on Office of Legal Counsel Nominee

Filed under: Law | Obama Administration — by Will Kirkland @ 9:24 am
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As Cristy Hardin Smith says, “This is complete and utter bullshit.”

The nominee to head the Office of Legal Counsel for the President, Dawn Smith, “… a superb nominee. Her legal acumen is amazing, and her integrity in terms of ethical and rule of law standards at OLC is just what is needed for that office,” may not make it to the Senate floor for a vote!

This is a failure of leadership. Period.

From Harry Reid, from Dick Durbin, from Chuck Schumer…none of whom have done their jobs on arm twisting and have just allowed this to be a “well, if the White House wants her, they can do the work” game of chicken. And the White House? Nary a peep beyond that recent push from Holder. You think President Obama couldn’t pick up a phone and twist a few arms along with his buddy Joe Biden? Yet that has not happened from everything I have heard.

Do I sound pissed? Why yes, I do. The rule of law actually means something beyond a convenient campaign slogan to me. And the nation’s system of justice deserves better than benign neglect.

What’s worse? I smell a capitulation deal on the other lingering nominations. I’ve got some calls out to ascertain whether this was a “you vote for these nominees and we’ll leave Dawn Johnsen off the table until after the recess” quid pro quo between Reid and McConnell. Because I smell kabuki.

PFAW, NARAL, AFJ and NWLC have all pushed for Johnsen. Good for them. So have a handful of bloggers. Good for them, too.

But where is everyone else? This is the legal run-up to the SCOTUS nomination. The right-wing is using this as their test messaging case on abortion and national security boogah boogah scare tactics. If we ignore it or, worse, don’t give a crap, do any of us think this simply goes away? Or does it get worse?

We have learned nothing the last eight years if we think that passive neglect in the face of crappy tactics is a winning strategy. And yet? Here we are.

Well I, for one, have had it. Senate Democratic Leadership and the Obama White House need to do their jobs and fight for a nominee the nation needs. Now. You know what to do.

Harry Reid: (202) 224-3542 (phone); 202-224-7327 (FAX)

Dick Durbin: (202) 224-2152 (phone); (202) 228-0400 (FAX)

Chuck Schumer: (202) 224-6542 (phone); (202) 228-3027 (FAX)

Pat Leahy: (202) 224-4242 (phone); (202) 224-3479 (FAX)

Evan Bayh: (202) 224-5623 (phone); (202) 228-1377 (FAX)

Senate numbers.

Christy Hardin Smith

More at RollCall, Washington Monthly

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The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings.

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