Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yes We Still Can

Filed under: Action! | Health & Welfare — by Will Kirkland @ 8:55 am
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The Progressive Change Campaign Committee raised over $100,000 online to fund [this] ad, which will be published in the [New York Times] this week. It features a petition signed by 400 former Obama campaign staffers, 25,000 Obama volunteers, and 40,000 Obama donors that states health care reform without a public option is not “change we can believe in.” The full page can be seen at ActBlue, where the group is now raising money to turn it into a television spot featuring Obama organizers.



  1. Rogers J. Johnson:

    We need a public option do not give into the insurance companies.

  2. Precious Daniels:

    What have the health insurance companies done for America?

  3. Mak Nazari:

    I’m glad you guys are out there to defend Americans rights!! Me & my family are very prous of you.


  4. robert kerber:

    The strong public option is the only real health care reform in lieu of single payer health care. This is the minimum that I will stand for. If this is not strongly supported and passed I will do whatever I can to oppose those who try and stop this reform or sit by and let it not pass.

  5. greg johnson:

    Please keep the promises made during your campain.
    support the peoples needs for public option.

  6. Jim Rilee:

    Open Medicare to everyone

  7. Robert and Mary Lou adams:

    Your acction is required we need a strong public option. All dems should participate. Ones who won’t may lose their seat in congress. please we need decent health care flor all. Thank You

  8. Connie Clausing:

    After listening to President Obama’s excellent speech on Health Care Reform tonight (to the full Congress and the American people), I am positive that the president will only agree to a plan that DOES include a public option.

  9. Jesse McLevain:

    Let’s keep the momentum and keep those cards, letters, calls, conversations, etc. going till we get HC done right.

  10. Brett Branson:

    The conservatives were able to take over the Republican party because they were willing to lose an election and stay at home. Since then, the republican party will do whatever the conservatives tell them to do. The Democratic party takes us progressives for granted. I know this speech is enough to make some feel warm and fuzzy. We always do enough to make life more bearable. That is because our way is the right way. One time in our history, life was bad enough for the country to hand over the reigns to a liberal(FDR). As a result, a middle class was born. If we do just enough now to make life a little better, they will take credit (The conservatives). I think that things must get far worse to wake people up. I just believe that with Democrats like these, who needs republicans.

  11. Jean R. Goldman:

    The health bill is meaningless without a public health insurance option.

  12. Mak Nazari:

    Loads of thanks for picking up this fight for us!

    We’re with you & need to have our “Public option” on the health care reform!!


  13. Amy Leach:

    This is essential to the survival for the Democratic party!!

  14. mark enloe:

    medicare for all is change I can believe in.

  15. steve andreason:

    It is not to late…a lot of us pay close attention every the right thing…hold out for a public option.

  16. steve andreason:

    keep up the fight , we are paying close attention….PUBLIC OPTION!

  17. jillian niven:

    I have been made more cynical than ever about my government being able to work for the common good of THE PEOPLE. Repeated carrots of hope dashed repeatedly. Progressive change obliterated by compromise. Corporate domination. I can hope one more time. Failure on health care will be the last time. Universal health care or its public option offspring or I go rouge, unlike Sarah Palin, like the old hippie I am.

  18. tom jeffcott:

    Keep on pushing back. Get the best health care bill possible then immediatly go for medicare part E under recocilation.

  19. Shelley Horn:

    I have never felt more let-down than I do , right now. It seems that no matter how loudly we speak, our voices are not heard. We MUST have a public option, or Medicare part E (for everyone). What more do we need to do, as citizens of the United States? I’m out of ideas!

  20. Lance Clarkson:

    So, I saw the guy on TV tonight and decided to visit the site.

    fwiw, here’s where I am, 400 hours campaigning for obama, i’ve emailed the white house i will never ever spend one ounce of energy on one of his desires or who he supports, and will most likely not vote either democrat or republican ever again, there is factually no point

    it seems all the sites are the same, yes we can yes we can help, yes yes yes yes yes we need money

    rather than do the right thing people incentivized by money and only money

    Change We Can Believe In, will go down as one of the greatest campaign ads in history, he identified the problems correctly

    Results, actions and facts, Lobbyista and Money rule all politicians, a gutted healthcare bill that forces mandates, that is called taking away freedoms in my part of the country. Like Obama said, if people could afford it they would buy it, well hell, he is insane if he thinks people can now afford it, lol.

    One weekend to get TARP done, one year no, not one piece of financial reform.

    They are part and parcel to it all, re-inflate home prices or states will go bankrupt. The money problems are truly insane and people go on as if nothing is really that much of a problem.

    Remember the Alamamo, well, Remember every time oil goes over 100 dollars a barrell we will be back in a reccession, the whole economy was built on cheap oil and now that Bernanke has flooded the world with dollars, all people did was buy oil with it.

    God Bless Our Soles, because the ones in power are either cluelss or part of the problem.

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Words for Acts

An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.

Tom Paine

---"Dissertations on First Principles of Government," 1795


Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party, by Max Blumenthal.

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