Friday, May 22, 2009

Yet Another: Yep, It’s Torture

Filed under: Torture — by Will Kirkland @ 12:10 pm
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“Erich “Mancow” Muller, a Chicago-based conservative radio host, recently decided to silence critics of waterboarding once and for all. He would undergo the procedure himself, and then he would be able to confidently convince others that it is not, in fact, torture.

Or so he thought. Instead, Muller came out convinced.

“It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that’s no joke,” Mancow said. “It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back… It was instantaneous… and I don’t want to say this: absolutely torture.”

You can watch it here. Not even 5 seconds.

1 Comment »

  1. Joe T:

    What a wimp! I’m sure that real men like Dick Cheney, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh could last, because they say it isn’t torture. And as we know, everything they say is true.

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Words for Acts

None of us is in a position to eliminate war, but it is our obligation to denounce it and expose it in all its hideousness. War leaves no victors, only victims.

--Elie Wiesel


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