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Obama VP Choice on Wed? | The Ruth Group

Monday, August 4, 2008

Obama VP Choice on Wed?

Filed under: Presidential 2008 — by Will Kirkland @ 11:56 am

Say Bil Browning at Bilerico and picked up elsewhere.

I’m going to put my neck out on theObamaBayh08.jpg line by making a prediction. Barack Obama will announce his vice-presidential choice Wednesday morning. It will be Indiana Senator Evan Bayh.


Cilliza at the WaPo agrees, if not on the timing.

1 Comment »

  1. Custom Valances:

    Bayh seems like a likable person, but you have to think why not Clinton? Surely, her 18 million voters must account for something. Plus, she’s already got the name and she’s already been in the public’s eye during this race. Time is important now and introducing someone new may not be the best idea. But, whoever ends up supplementing to Obama’s ticket, I’m sure it will be a good decision. Obama’s campaign has got some pretty smart people.

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