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The Ruth Group » Katrina Aftermath: Bogus Hearings

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Katrina Aftermath: Bogus Hearings

Filed under: Critical Voices | FrontPage | Katrina — by Bob Zuber @ 12:31 pm

The Louisville Courier-Journal takes umbrage at Michael Brown’s farsical testimony before a republican dominated House panel: “As Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank noted, Mr. Brown even now doesn’t know how much FEMA spent on communications or how many people were in the Superdome, or even realize that he’s still on the federal payroll.

One problem with this sort of Washington theater is that many Americans could easily assume that it’s evidence of Republican congressional leaders’ determination to get to the bottom of the scandalous early federal reaction to Katrina.

The danger, though, is that it’s really a show aimed at deflecting blame from Mr. Bush onto a few sacrificial lambs such as Mr. Brown and state and local officials. Indeed, Mr. Brown himself tried to be helpful, by pointing fingers at the Democratic governor of Louisiana and mayor of New Orleans, while praising the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama.”



  1. Bill Sims:

    Once again, I’m mystified why the Democrats chose to boycott these hearings. Sure, they are controlled by the Republicans and not independent, but they are going to go on without you and they are going to be useful to the Republican party either way - first, they can be used to cover up many problems - who was there to challenge Brownie’s lies? And at the same time, Republicans appear like the only “reformers” interested in fixing the problem and criticizing the Brownie-goat, whil, once again, Democrats stand mute.

    What are these clowns thinking?

  2. Bob Hunter:

    Is it time for a Progressive Party?

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In Dante’s Hell those guilty of the sin of cupidity are in the ninth circle, frozen in the Lake of Ice. Having cared for nothing but self in life, they are encased in icy Self for eternity. By making people focus only on oneself in this way, Satan and his followers turn their eyes away from the harmony of love that unites all creatures.

Philip Zimbardo
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil