Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Word of Thanks from Lynn Woolsey

Filed under: Iraq | FrontPage | Democrats — by Bob Meyer @ 8:48 am

I went to a fundraiser for Lynn Woolsey in San Rafael yesterday. We were talking about the remarkable success of Iraq: The Way Out and midway through the conversation she said, in her offhand way, “You know, I thanked the Ruth Group on the floor of the House. You’re in the Congressional Record.” So I did what I figured you all would want me to do: I gave our Congresswoman a big hug.

Do you know how rare it is in this land of corporate and fanatic-religious domination over politicians to have a representative who truly gets it that she’s the people’s representative? There were people at that fundraiser who were not the big-money donors; she knew that and she listened to them with equal respect, as she does in every public forum she conducts. I haven’t felt that way since I lived in Berkeley years ago, and we’d run into Ron Dellums on the street and say, “Hey Ron, how’re you doing? You know, Ron, the one thing I think you might consider is that…” That’s democracy, folks. The way it’s supposed to happen and so rarely does.

So what can we do to support our democratic, Democratic Representative? Lynn explained that she is confident she will beat Joe Nation, but that she need to win big, or else people in DC and elsewhere across the country will say, “See, she doesn’t even have the solid support of her constituency. The kind of politics she’s trying to engage in–especially around Iraq–just doesn’t fly.” And that would have a chilling effect on other politicians across the country who don’t have the chutzpah of a Lynn Woolsey. Just so you know, she has spoken out on Iraq 110 times on the floor of the House, which is some kind of a record, according to her friend John Conyers.

These thoughts were echoed by Phil Angelides, who gave a strong talk in support of Lynn and, of course, his own candidacy. Lynn suggest a few things we can do in support of her candidacy: as simple as it is, put a Woolsey bumper sticker on your car. It makes a difference, she reminded us. And she let us know that Joe Nation is raising a huge war chest — including funds from some of the people who supported Tom DeLay. They are making a concerted effort to embarrass her — nationally. So contributions are especially welcome right now, as they plan the rest of the campaign. And them, get hold of her campaign office in your area and be ready to walk the precincts. Folks, we need this woman fighting for the causes we all believe in, without her effectiveness compromised in any way by a poor showing in her home district. Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, and Phil Angelides join in that appeal. How will YOU respond?


  1. Jack Kaplan:

    Bob: Looks like your comment was cut off at this point. Could you please continue? I’m reading with interest what you have to say about Lynn Woolsey, and Angelides, both of whom I support avidly.

    “(Angelides came off as…”

    Thanks, and again thanks for your hard work and contribution to the program “Out Of Iraq”.

  2. Bob Meyer:


    Sorry for the slip-up. Impression of Angelides (all positive) to follow.

  3. wkirkland:

    I know that some folks aren’t attracted to Lynn’s low-key personal iinteractions, her lack of quick repartee. Make sure that issue disappears beneath the mountain of good she has done. Support her!

  4. d'andre:

    World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime! Nov 2nd San Francisco and 175 other places around the country.

    Harold Pinter, Gore Vidal, Cornel West, Howard Zinn, Ricky Lee Jones, Cindy Sheehan, Sonia Sanchez and thousands more are part of this. Make Nov 2nd, the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime.

  5. Bob Meyer:

    Jack still wants to hear about Phil Angelides. I was about to say that he came off as far more progressive than I had dared hope. Strongly supporting Woolsey and the out-of-Iraq caucus on withdrawal. But where he really shone was on social justice and equality issues. You really had the feeling he’d work to put the educational system back in shape, try to secure health care for those who don’t have it, and at least not be so reliably in the pockets of the corporations. No doubt he’ll have to make all sorts of compromises — how could you not in a state like CA — but I felt I wouldn’t have to hold my nose…

  6. Bill Sims:

    Angelides was very impressive at the state Democratic convention - he was everything Bob said and more. In fact, I’d have to say that he’s probably the most genuinely progressive politician I’ve heard speak in 25 years. He’s very attuned to good government issues and has the experience to make government the friend of the people again.

    Westly is pretty good too when compared with what we’ve been seeing lately in the way of Democratic politicians, but he’s a Stanford MBA who made his pile in the private sector and seems more attuned to capitalism and business solutions and running government in a more “efficient” manner. Still, I wouldn’t rule him out if Angelides falters.

  7. Bob Meyer:

    Other thing I forgot to mention is that Angelides is a good speaker, contrary to what I’d heard. Passionate, funny, smart. Knows how to be self-deprecating: “I’m part of the revenge of the nerds movement.” “Did you know that I’m taller than Arnold, even without my lifts?” And he can think on his feet, doesn’t just do the stale stump speech. Say a few Hail Mary’s or whatever tonight, this guy’d be good.

    By the way, one of my pet peeves lately is, since when did we (progressives) become such snobs about how people express themselves? I’ve heard negative things lately about both Cindy S. and Lynn W. (also mentioned by Will) and my reaction is: can we no longer respond to the voice of the people when we hear it? Whatever happened to populism? Both of these women have struggled to get where they are — in very different ways — and you know what? They can be damned eloquent about it when they have to!. Same with Angelides, in a different way. Have we been that brainwashed by Hollywood or Madison Avenue that we no longer recognize authenticity when we hear it?

  8. Bill Sims:

    Good points, Bob. Angelides sorta looks nerdish, has a nerdish job, and I really didn’t expect much, but he’s as good a speaker as you can get these days - very articulate, just the right tone, and packed with content and statements that show he really gets it and is not just repeating standard phases. In some ways, I think he’s better than Clinton.

    Yeah, Cindy’s voice can be a little whiney, but her detractors underestimate her, I think. If you watch closely, she’s grown tremendously in the last few months. She’s become very adept at dealing with the press and her speaking style in San Rafael was much more forceful. She’s not as powerful as Maxine Waters yet, but she’s been moving that direction…rapidly.

    But speaking style aside, we really shouldn’t sell any of these women short - they are doing some courageous things and beginning to have an impact.

  9. Bob Meyer:

    “In some ways, I think he’s better than Clinton.”

    In some ways? What are the other ways?
    Sorry, just the Ruth Group cynic piping up.

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