Sunday, February 15, 2009

Earth Hour

Filed under: Action! | Environment — by Marty Krasney @ 6:14 pm

Dear Earth Hour Supporter,

Excitement is building all over the US and around the world. Here’s a quick update on what’s developed this week for Earth Hour:
• More cities turning out: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville, New York, San Francisco, St. Louis and the Village of Homer Glen, Illinois. We’ve heard rumblings from Houston and Seattle as well and would also love to get Washington, DC on board. If you’re a DC resident, let Mayor Fenty know you want the city to turn out!
• Help us turn out the lights on the US Capitol Dome—write to your Senators or Member of Congress.
• What goes on in Vegas doesn’t always stay there: Earth Hour officially launched in Sin City at a press event featuring a Panda Bear and Vegas showgirls. The Strip will indeed go dark for the full 60 minutes—the only time the lights have been dimmed except briefly in 1998 in honor of Frank Sinatra’s death.
• Other city news: Chicago held its official launch event last week, with Mayor Daley again pledging his support. Next up? Nashville, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Dallas!
• The city of lights goes dark: Paris and 27 other French cities announced they’ll take part in Earth Hour, with the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame going dark. A total of 405 cities in 74 countries have pledged to participate—double the number of countries from last year.
• Download a very cool Shepard Fairey poster: The famed Obama-portrait artist has created a series of “Vote Earth” posters urging people to turn off their lights during Earth Hour. Available at in either the tools or media section.
• EH for kids, too: In addition to creating teaching guides for K-12 students, we’ve also created a special section of the website just for young people. Check it out at, where there’s information about how students can promote Earth Hour at their school or within their community.
• And don’t forget to mark your calendar…Earth Hour is March 28, 2009, at 8:30 pm. Turn out. Take action.
The Earth Hour Team

Turn Out. Take Action.
March 28, 2009
8:30 pm

1 Comment »

  1. Nature Concern:

    Thanks for promoting Earth Hour! Another way you can recruit people to the cause is by creating a Earth Hour group on Simply create a group about one action that you will commit to do for Earth Hour and recruit your friends, family, and co-workers to get involved in that action as well. When it comes to climate change, simple actions can make huge differences and Commit21 leverages social media to influence networks of friends, family, and co-workers. Check it out at

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Words for Acts

Peace awakens, finds her breath.
Sighs, and must remember death.
Beloved peace, be tender now;
Teach to us, your children, how
Gently to renew the life
That we have silenced with our strife.

Allen Ginsberg

From "Times Square, August 28, 1945"

Celebrating the 2006 publication of
The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice by Allen Ginsberg

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