Comments on: War on Drugs: Losses In Coalition of the Willing
Reclaiming American DemocracyThu, 03 Sep 2009 01:43:32 +0000 prescription
prescriptionThu, 27 Aug 2009 20:04:53 +0000 is a very tough subject. There are people on both sides of the fence that are feel very strongly about what to do about the war on drugs. I feel that we need to find a happy medium between fighting to keep them off the streets, and by educating and teaching prevention. I think the punishment for being caught with or distributing drugs should be judged differently depending on which drug it is, and how much one is holding.This is a very tough subject. There are people on both sides of the fence that are feel very strongly about what to do about the war on drugs. I feel that we need to find a happy medium between fighting to keep them off the streets, and by educating and teaching prevention. I think the punishment for being caught with or distributing drugs should be judged differently depending on which drug it is, and how much one is holding.