Comments on: The Terrorist, He Watches Reclaiming American DemocracyTue, 15 Mar 2011 01:06:07 +0000hourly1 magdy magdyMon, 14 Jul 2008 08:59:00 +0000`s powerful and human in a very strange way, when you see how cold is it from the eyes of a terrorist, you get the affection and Szymborska makes you turn and see the other point of view that he can not, without saying a word... It is a favourite piece of art.It`s powerful and human in a very strange way,
when you see how cold is it from the eyes of a terrorist, you get the affection and Szymborska makes you turn and see the other point of view that he can not, without saying a word…
It is a favourite piece of art. ]]>
By: Meri MeriMon, 18 Jun 2007 05:34:46 +0000'm very intrested with the poetry that talk about " The Terrorist, He Watched" by Wislawa Szymborska. In this poetry explain about a world that have lost a peace think. And also give many effect from the terrorist. Every human life be broke because of the terrorist. They not only take the human life but also every think that human have.I’m very intrested with the poetry that talk about ” The Terrorist, He Watched” by Wislawa Szymborska.
In this poetry explain about a world that have lost a peace think. And also give many effect from the terrorist. Every human life be broke because of the terrorist. They not only take the human life but also every think that human have. ]]>